January 2023 Agenda

Washingborough Parish Council

Wednesday 18 January 2023 at 2.00pm,

at Washingborough Pavilion – Community Room

(The meeting will start with the Public Forum and NKDC & LCC Councillors reports)
  1. Public Forum
  2. Reports from LCC and NKDC Councillors
1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:
  1. apologies and reason for absence,
  2. declarations of interest,
  3. applications for dispensation.
2. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14 December 2022 to be approved as the minutes.
3. To discuss matters raised at Public Forum.
4. Clerks Report:
  1. To advise that Lincolnshire Co-op have donated a hamper of refreshments for the Council’s Warm Room project,
  2. To advise that the Army Cadet Force has applied to use Chapel Park for their activities and under Clerks delegated powers and as there have been no complaints or problems this has been agreed.
5. To receive the notes from the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting of 9 January 2023 and to resolve the following recommendations:
  1. Signing up to the LALC training scheme and for all Cllrs to attend the required training during the 2023/24 financial year, with additional training to be paid for on an ad-hoc basis as necessary,
  2. To replace the project to upgrade the IT system in the Civic office and instead to seek quotes to change lighting for all Council buildings & amenities to LED’s, so that they become more cost effective,
  3. Precept Request 2023/24.
    1. The recommendation is for the precept request to be £187,000 for the coming financial year,
    2. The recommendation is that the grant budget be capped at £2,000 for the coming financial year.
6. To discuss and resolve the following items:
  1. Comments on LCC Budget and Council Tax Proposal for 2023/24,
  2. Work to update the plug socket, used for outdoor events or to remove completely,
  3. Updates from Working Parties
    1. Play Park.
7. Planning Matters:

a. to resolve any comments on the following applications received

Planning ref no. Address Work Required
22/1721/td> Land at Five Mile Lane Demolition of existing dwelling & commercial buildings and erection of buildings/industrial units
23/0026 23 Oxford Close Work to trees subject to TPO

b. To ratify comments on applications returned under Clerks delegated powers:

Planning ref no. Address Work Required Comment
22/1238 Dial House, 41 Main Road Amended plans/additional information Council do not wish to comment on this application

c. to note decisions by NKDC Planning on the following applications

Planning ref no. Address Decision
22/1561 1 The Fields Approved
22/1624 120 Granson Way Approved
8. Financial Matters:
  1. To resolve the payment schedule for January and note the salaries payments,
  2. To receive the accounts and budgets for quarter 3 (April – December),
  3. To receive and sign the Unity Trust Bank statement for December.
9. Items for Information: None

10. To resolve moving into Closed Session (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960)

11. To resolve the Grant requests from:

  1. Church of St John the Evangelist,
  2. Penfold Players.