June 2022 Agenda

Washingborough Parish Council

Wednesday 15th June 2022 at 2.00pm, at Washingborough Community Centre (Main Hall)
(The meeting will start with the Public Forum and NKDC & LCC Councillors reports)


  1. Public Forum
  2. Reports from LCC and NKDC Councillors
1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:
  1. apologies and reason for absence,
  2. declarations of interest,
  3. applications for dispensation.
2. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18th May 2022 to be approved as the minutes.
3. To discuss matters raised at Public Forum.
4. Clerks Report:
  1. to update on the request from the netball club to use the training area.
  2. to update on the request from the Outdoor Project to use the Playing Fields.
5. To discuss and resolve the following items:
  1. The updated Model Standing Order 18, to bring it into line with the procurement position, post Brexit.
  2. The request, from a resident, for a TRO of 20mph on Main Road.
  3. Attendance at the LALC Local Councils Networking Day.
  4. The adoption of the NKDC New Code of Conduct.
  5. Bowls Club meeting and considerations regarding grass cuttings and watering of the green.
  6. To hold a Macmillan Coffee Morning.
  7. Updates from Working Parties:
    1. Review and production of Council Policies – updated Abusive, Persistent & Vexatious Complaints Policy, Communications Policy and Formal Complaints Form & Policy.
    2. Jubilee Event.
    3. Play Park.
6.  Planning Matters:
  1. To resolve any comments on the following applications received: NONE
  1. To note the decisions from NKDC, on the following applications received:
Planning ref no. Address Decision
22/0423 35 Winchester Drive Approved
22/0556 10 Cromwell Close Approved
22/0400 13 Main Road Approved
22/0331 7 Pynder Close Approved
7. Financial Matters:
  1. To resolve the payment schedule, for June 2022 and note the salaries payments,
  2. To receive the accounts and budgets for May,
  3. To receive and sign the Unity Trust Bank statement for May.
  4. To resolve the quote from Selmec for the EICR – 5 Year Fixed Wiring Inspection.
8. Items for Information:
  1. Lincs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust: Older People Support Event
9. To resolve moving into Closed Session (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960)


10. To resolve the proposal from Cllr Mrs Simons regarding an honorarium for the Clerk for extra work undertaken.