February 2021 Agenda

Washingborough Parish Council.
Full Parish Council Meeting 18 February 2021 at 2pm
Remotely, under The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 

  1. Public Forum
  2. Reports from NKDC and LCC Councillors
1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:
  1. apologies and reasons for absence
  2. declarations of interest
  3. applications for dispensation
2. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 21 January 2021 to be approved as the minutes
3. To discuss matters raised at Public Forum
4. To discuss and resolve:
  1. Correspondence received from residents on Church Hill regarding - increase in traffic, speeding, condition of the road surface and width of road.
  2. Correspondence received from a resident regarding speeding on Fen Road within the Village Boundary.
  3. Correspondence received from a resident regarding a reduction in the current speed limit of 60mph on Fen Road from the village up to Five Mile Lane.
5. Planning Matters
  1. To resolve any comments on the following applications received:
    1. 21/0077: 8 Park Crescent – garage and rear extensions and loft conversion.
    2. 20/1807: Cliff Farm, Cliff Lane – extension to form social room at block 2.
    3. 21/0068: 1 Favell Road – demolish garage and erect two storey side extension.
    4. 20/0436: Land off Canterbury Drive – erect 60 dwellings, demolish and replace 15 Canterbury Drive, Amended Plans, Drainage Statement and Flood Risk Assessment
6. Clerks Report
  1. National Association of Local Councils – advisory recommendations: preparing for the possible return of face-to-face meetings.
  2. Working Party for Scarecrow Competition
7. To discuss and resolve the following items:
  1. The Licence Renewal for Communications Tower on the Playing Field – report from Chattertons Solicitor.
  2. The annual appointment of the Internal Auditor (1st April – 31st March).
  3. Request from LIVES for Support
  4. Request from a resident to use the Community Centre car park for food truck and vendors to park and trade.
  5. To join the Annual Training Scheme 2021/22 from Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils
  6. Lindum Homes – change of developer for the Manor Fields Site
8. Financial matters:
  1. To resolve the payment schedule 
  2. To ratify the purchase and fitting of a new boiler for the Pavilion
  3. To receive the accounts/budgets - January 2021
  4. To receive Unity Trust Bank balance of account as at 31st January 2021
9. Items for Information
  1. LCC - Closure of Pelham Bridge
10. To consider moving into closed session (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960)

11. To approve payroll payments