September 2021 Agenda

Washingborough Parish Council
Wednesday 15th September 2021 at 2.00pm,
at Washingborough Community Centre (Main Hall)

  1. Public Forum 
  2. Reports from NKDC and LCC Councillors 
1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:
  1. apologies and reason for absence,
  2. declarations of interest,
  3. applications for dispensation. 
2. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st July 2021 to be approved as the minutes.
3. To discuss matters raised at Public Forum.
4. Clerks Report:
  1. Update on the Scarecrow Festival and to discuss the recommendation to hold a festival in 2022.
  2. To advise that road closure/parade training dates have been booked and only two attendees are allowed.
  3. To advise that the risk assessment, produced under NYA Government Guidelines, for the Youth Club has    been received.
  4. To advise that the interactive speed sign will be delivered in early October.
  5. To advise that the PFE items for the voluntary litter pickers have been ordered and received
  6. External Auditors Report and Certificate 2020/21
5. To discuss and resolve the following items:
  1. Invite to the LALC Conference and Annual General Meeting 2021.
  2. Request from Washingborough ACF Detachment to use Chapel Park for training/exercise purposes.
  3. Requests for LALC Training Courses.
  4. The final details with regard to the voluntary litter pickers and to agree for them to start.
  5. Bar Licence – to remove the requirement to have a designated premises supervisor information and application form
  6. Updates from Play Equipment working party, including resolving a ‘rent a key’ scheme for the Pavilion exterior toilets.
6. Planning Matters:
  1. to resolve any comments on the following applications received:
ref Planning ref Address Work required
a 21/1255 Church House, 17 Becket Close single story extension & new pitched roof
b 21/1258 The Acorns, Church Hill demolish conservatory, replace with garden room and internal alterations
c 21/1269 1 Marlborough Ave single storey rear extension
d 21/1321 2 Royal Oak Lane work to trees in conservation area
  1. to note decisions on the following applications:
Planning ref Address Decision
21/0023/TCA 1 School Lane TPO not served
21/0070/TPO Washingborough Hall Approved in part, with conditions (replant).T1,9,12, 20,22 refused
21/0077 8 Park Cres Approved
21/1807 Cliff Farm Approved
21/0068 1 Favell Road Approved
21/0195 21 Fen Road  Approved
21/0250 10 High Meadow Approved
21/0426 &0427 Suffolk House, 2 Oak Hill Approved
21/0415 60 Lincoln Road Approved
21/0340 Manor Farm Approved
21/0587 35 Winchester Dr Approved
21/0838 8 Reading Close Approved
21/0742 15 Becket Close Approved
21/0879 7 Durham Cres Approved
21/0918 54 Lincoln Road Prior Approval not Required
21/0993 7 High Street Approved
21/0897 2 Thurlby Close Approved
21/0992 57 Main Road Approved
21/0988 124 Granson Way Approved
21/1007 14 High Street TPO not served
7. Financial Matters:
  1. To ratify the payment schedule, for August.
  2. To resolve the payment schedule, for September and to note the salaries payments 
  3. To receive the accounts/budgets for July and August 2021 
  4. To receive and sign the Unity Trust Bank statements for July and August 2021
  5. To discuss the grant award of 2021/22 to Penfold Players and to resolve if an appropriate amount should be considered, due to the cancellation of their 2021 summer production and 2022 pantomime but taking into consideration their Young Players production in December 2021 and the shortened Murder Mystery in March 2022.
8. Items for Information:
  1. NKDC - Promotion of shopping locally
9. To resolve moving into Closed Session (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960)