March 2021 Agenda

Washingborough Parish Council.
Full Parish Council Meeting 18 March 2021 at 2pm
Remotely, under The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 

  1. Public Forum 
  2. Reports from NKDC and LCC Councillors 
1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:
  1. apologies and reasons for absence
  2. declarations of interest
  3. applications for dispensation
2. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 18th February 2021 to be approved as the Minutes.
3. Presentation from Mark Foster (Lindum Homes) with regard to the Manor Fields Site
4. To discuss matters raised at Public Forum.
5. Clerks Report
  1. Advisory recommendations for the possible return of face-to-face meetings:
    1. to resolve to use the Main Hall of the Community Centre for an initial period,
    2. to resolve the meeting day and time,
    3. to resolve to hold the Annual Parish Council meeting on the 6th May 2021, if face-to-face meetings have resumed,
  2. to advise that the Licence Renewal for the Communications Tower has been finalised and signed off
  3. to advise of the vandalism to fencing on the playing fields
  4. to advise of the vandalism at the Pavilion and that quotes for railings have been sought to alleviate this problem
6. To discuss and resolve the following items:
  1. Request for a 20mph speed limit along Main Road
  2. Scarecrow Competition Working Party update – to hold a joint scarecrow festival with Heighington PC
  3. The purchase of a Royal British Legion VE Day 2021 ‘Tommy’
  4. Advertising for volunteers with regard to starting a Community Speed Watch Scheme
  5. Organising either a litter pick or advertising for voluntary litter pickers for the village
  6. Sports Club – to use the playing field on 3rd and 10th April for outdoor fitness classes
  7. Update to Office Opening, Pavilion and Community Centre Risk Assessments
7. Planning Matters
  1. To resolve any comments on the following applications received: 
    1. 21/0195: 21 Fen Road – PNH for single storey rear extension
    2. 20/0250: 10 High Meadow – erection of detached double garage
8. Financial matters:
  1. To resolve the payment schedule
  2. To resolve the quotes for railings at the Pavilion outer toilets areas
  3. To resolve to hire a scarifier, for one day, for the wild flower area on the playing field (£70)
  4. To receive the accounts/budgets – February 2021
  5. To receive Unity Trust Bank balance of account as at 28th February 2021
9. Items for information
  1. Environment Agency – Routine maintenance factsheet
10. To resolve moving into closed session (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960)