November 2021 Agenda

Washingborough Parish Council

Wednesday 17th November 2021 at 2.00pm, at Washingborough Community Centre (Main Hall)

(The meeting will start with the Public Forum and NKDC & LCC Councillors reports)


  1. Public Forum
  2. Reports from NKDC and LCC Councillors
1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:
  1. apologies and reason for absence,
  2. declarations of interest,
  3. applications for dispensation.
2. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 20th October 2021 to be approved as the minutes.
3. To discuss matters raised at Public Forum.
4. Clerks Report:
  1. To update on the voluntary litter pickers.
  2. To update on the offer of a Salt Bag from LCC.
  3. To suggest that the idea of having a voluntary Community Speed Watch group, be shelved due to lack of interest.
  4. To advise that the annual inspection of the play equipment and MUGA/Outdoor Gym has been received and of the findings.
  5. To advise that the Youth Club is not currently attracting members, so will cease running until April 2022.
  6. To advise that the Christmas tree has been ordered and will be in situ and lit from November 26th.
5. To discuss and resolve the following items:
  1. The renewal of the gas framework contract arranged by ESPO.
  2. The question from NKDC Leisure & Cultural Officer asking if the Parish Council would take on the maintenance of the Art Work in Washingborough.
  3. Request from a parishioner to purchase the slide from the play park, once the new play equipment project has started.
  4. The report from the Four Parishes Meeting.
  5. The request from the Bowls club regarding hedge cutting
  6. To agree the service charges for 2022/23 for the Bowls and Tennis Clubs.
  7. To organise a meeting with the Bowls and Tennis Clubs, to review the Service Agreement and advise them of the new charges.
  8. To agree a date for the Annual Parish Meeting 2022.
  9. To discuss updating the CCTV and Alarm System for the Council owned buildings on Fen Road and the surrounding grounds.
  10. To request an upgrade, from LCC, to the pedestrian crossing on Fen Road of, repainting the road stripes, the poles and installing new LED ‘halo’ lights.
  11. Project requests to go to F&GP Precept meeting for consideration:
    1. Blachere1558 Creative Kids design a light
    2. Washingborough Railway Platform Sign
  12. Updates from working parties:
    1. Play Equipment.
    2. Jubilee Celebrations.
    3. Community Centre Bar – to include the recommendation to have K-Bars as the DPS.
    4. Additional Useage of the Pavilion.
    5. Wi-Fi Coverage of the Community Centre & Pavilion
6. Planning Matters:

a. to resolve any comments on the following applications received

Ref Planning ref no. Address Work Required
i 21/1558 57 Fen Road two storey side extension
ii 21/1605 14 Chester Close addition of hipped roof to front porch

b. to note decisions on the following applications

Ref Planning ref no. Address Decision
i 21/1403 52 Cambridge Drive Approved
8. Financial Matters:
  1. To resolve the payment schedule, for November and note the salaries payments (to follow).
  2. To receive the accounts/budgets for October 2021.
  3. To receive and sign the Unity Trust Bank statement for October
9. To resolve moving into Closed Session (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960)