July 2023 F&GP Agenda

Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting

Will be held on Monday 10 July 2023 at 2.00pm in the Civic Office


  1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:
    1. apologies and reasons for absence
    2. declarations of interest
    3. applications for dispensation
  2. Notes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on the 17 April 2023 to be approved as the minutes.
  3. Matters Outstanding.
  4. To review Councils' Risk Register.
  5. To receive the first quarter financial statements.
  6. To receive the Bank Reconciliation.
  7. To advise of the increase of the unit rate for gas, which will impact both the Community Centre and Pavilion.
  8. To advise that the three yearly re-declaration of compliance with the Pensions Regulations Act 2008 has been completed.
  9. To advise of the current situation regarding the local government salary increase for 2023/24.


Additional documentation for this meeting will be available from the Civic Office, subject to Data Protection and other legislation.