January 2025
Washingborough Parish Council
Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting
Will be held on Wednesday 8th January 2025 at 2pm in the Civic Office
1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:
a. apologies and reasons for absence
b. declarations of interest
c. applications for dispensation
2. Notes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on the 9th October 2024 to be approved as the minutes.
3. Matters Outstanding.
4. To review Councils’ Risk Register.
5. To receive the third quarter financial statements.
6. To resolve the bank reconciliations for October, November and December.
7. To update, for resolution, the Grants & Donations Application Forms.
8. To discuss, for recommendation, that the project for 2025/26 is to be the replacement access over the South Delph, providing permission is received from the Internal Drainage Board and that of residents are in favour.
9. To propose that the Clerk moves funds to Earmarked Reserves in March 2025 and report to F&GP in April 2025.
10. To discuss, for recommendation, the Precept for 2025/2 including the following financial matters:
a. an assumed contractual salary increase for Council Staff, pending confirmation of the new NALC rates for 2025/26.
b. applicable Incremental increase
c. the Grant budget cap for 2025/26.
Signed: K J Broddle