October 2023 Minutes EOM
Washingborough Parish Council
Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 26th October 2023 at 6.00pm in the Pavilion Meeting Room, Fen Road, Washingborough, Lincoln. LN4 1AB
• Cllr Mrs B Bland
• Cllr R Clark
• Cllr Mrs M Gibbons
• Cllr Mrs L Hannam
• Cllr R Harrington
• Cllr G Peck
• Cllr Mrs L Simons
• Cllr Mrs W Skelton
In Attendance: Miss K Broddle (Clerk) and Mrs E Salter (Assistant Clerk)
Also Present: Cllr I Carrington (NKDC).
Members of the Public: Four.
Public Forum: Two parishioners spoke about the recent flooding following storm Babet and expressed their concerns regarding the water levels and the time taken for water to be pumped away from the village and also the age and condi-tion of the pump. An offer to be taken around the village to see the flood waters was offered and Cllrs Peck and Harrington volunteered to go.
Reports from LCC and NKDC – Cllr Carrington advised that LCC were the lead flood authority and urged residents to re-port any flooding via Fix my Street, to allow the data to be collected.
50. Localism Act 2011 requirements:
Apologies and reasons for absence were received from Cllrs Mrs J Aspinall and Mrs R Whipp.
Cllr L Cawrey (LCC) and Cllr C Goodwin (NKDC).
Declarations of Interest received from Cllr Harrington, regarding item 44b.
Applications for Dispensation: None.
51. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 20th September and 18th October 2023 were proposed, seconded and resolved for signature as the minutes.
52. Matters Raised at Public Forum: The matters were discussed within the Public Forum session.
53. Clerks Report:
a. To note that the amount raised at the Macmillan Coffee morning was £322.97. Thanks were given to all Involved.
b. The Clerk advised that the first coffee morning had taken place and those attending were very complimentary.
c. The Clerk advised that a working public phone box is now sited on the Precinct.
54. The notes from the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting of 10th July 2023, were received and the following items were proposed, seconded and resolved:
a. To not increase the hire costs for the Community Centre for 2024 - 25
b. Tariffs for use of Sporting Facilities for 2024 - 25
Junior Football Pitch - £25 per pitch
Senior Football Pitch - £30 per pitch
Training Area (inc use of Flood Lights) - £25
Use of Floodlights - £20
Pavilion (use of any area) - £12
Small Field - £39
Large Field - £45
c. For the Tennis Club and Bowls Club annual fee not to increase in 2024 - 25 and to remind them that the annual review of content and terms of the agreement is due and to send a letter asking if they would like a meeting with the Council to discuss these areas.
d. For the tenure of the Service Level Agreement with the Bowls and Tennis clubs to be extended by six years, in 2024 to take the agreement to 2034 and to include this in the same letter as above.
e. For the following projects to be discussed at the November Full Parish Council meeting:
i. to complete the window dressings in the Community Centre
ii. to replace the outer bar door of the Community Centre
iii. replacement of the Community Centre front door, including DDA compliance and keyless entry
iv. change of email address to .gov.uk
f. The Christmas closure to be from the close of business on 22nd Dec 2023 and re-open on 3rd Jan 2024
55. The following items were resolved as stated:
a. Invitation to attend the Parish Council Engagement session from Lincolnshire Police – it was proposed, seconded and resolved for Cllr Harrington and Cllr Peck to attend this event.
b. Request for consideration of a Splash Pad, on the Playing Fields – the Council felt that this was a good idea, but the siting could not be as requested due to soakaway’s being in place. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that a Splash Pad be an item for consideration when a future play equipment project is budgeted for.
c. Request to site a mobile clinic van for foot health practitioner – it was proposed, seconded and resolved to agree to this request.
d. Request from the Scout Leader to install a concrete ramp for entry to the Powel Hut, at Chapel Park – it was proposed, seconded and resolved to allow this.
e. Administration and ownership of the shared drive containing the Parish Councils Policies – it was proposed, seconded and resolved that the shared drive, created without authority, was not needed or required.
f. Laying of Poppy Wreaths – Cllr Mrs Bland, Cllr Mrs M Gibbons and Cllr Mrs L Simons offered to lay the poppy wreaths at the outdoor service on Saturday 11th Nov and at the Church Service on Sunday 12th Nov. This was proposed, seconded and resolved.
56. Planning Matters.
a. Applications received:
No |
Planning ref no. |
Address |
Work Requested |
WPC Comments |
i. |
23/1128/HOUS |
7 School Lane |
Demolition and replacement of existing garage and boundary walling and amend vehicular access. |
No comment |
ii. |
23/1172/TPO |
27 Lea Avenue |
Work to trees |
No comment |
iii. |
23/1113/VARCON |
Land off Blackthorn Way, Five Mile Lane Business |
Application to vary condition 6 (drainage) of planning permission 22/1534/FUL |
No comment |
iv. |
23/1203/TPO |
14 Manor Road |
Work to Trees |
No comment |
v. |
23/0958/FUL |
30 Canterbury Drive |
Conversion of garage to beauty salon |
No comment |
vi |
23/1153/HOUS |
5 Ravenwood |
Erection of detached garage with solar panels to roof |
No comment |
b. To ratify comments on the following applications returned under Clerks delegated powers:
No. |
Planning ref no. |
Address |
Work Requested |
WPC Comments |
i. |
23/1107/TPO |
4 Lonsdale Court |
Work to Trees |
It was ratified that no comments were made on this application |
c. To note the following decisions from NKDC, on the following applications received: NONE
57. Financial matters:
a. The payment schedule for October 2023 was proposed, seconded and resolved and the salaries were noted.
b. The accounts and budgets for September 2023 were noted.
c. The Unity Trust Bank balance for September 2023 was noted and signed.
58. Items for Information:
a. Lincolnshire County Council, Joined Up Thinking - Noted
59. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it was proposed, seconded and resolved to move into closed session for the following item:
60. Staffing Matters
a. The Job Description and Person Specification for the Cleaners post was proposed, seconded and resolved.
b. It was proposed, seconded and resolved for Cllr Mrs Skelton to sit on the staffing panel temporarily.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.20pm.