November 2023 Agenda
Washingborough Parish Council
Wednesday 15th November 2023 at 6.00pm at Washingborough Community Centre, small hall.
(The meeting will start with the Public Forum and NKDC & LCC Councillors reports)
1. To resolve for the meeting to be taken by Cllr Mrs M Gibbons.
a. Public Forum.
b. Reports from LCC and NKDC Councillors.
2. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:
a. apologies and reason for absence.
b. declarations of interest.
c. applications for dispensation.
3. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26th October 2023 to be approved as the minutes.
4. To discuss matters raised at Public Forum. (Any items raised that need resolution will become an agenda item for the next Full Council meeting).
5. Clerks Report (for information only).
a. To note the resignation of Cllr Kent.
b. To note the resignation of Cllr Clark and to thank him for the work he has undertaken for Council.
c. To note that Cllr Mrs J Aspinall has stepped down from Vice Chairman.
d. To note that the annual play area inspections have been carried out with no concerns.
e. To note the rescheduled road closure to the B1190 regarding the strategic pipeline works carried out by Anglian Water, these works will now take place from the 15th – 26th January 2024.
f. To note that an Archer speed survey has been undertaken on Church Hill.
g. To note the comments sent to the Police and Crime Commissioner following the meeting facilitated by Potterhanworth Parish Council. These will be added to the Parish Council Engagement Session on the 7th December for the team to review.
h. To thank local resident Candy Garner for her regular updates on social media regarding the closure of Lincoln Road railway bridge following the recent flooding.
6. To discuss and resolve the following items:
a. The co-option of two members onto the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
b. Priorities for the Police Priority Setting Meeting.
c. Free Trees for Community Groups from Woodland Trust.
d. To appoint a member to attend the next Witham Valley Access Project, on 28th November 2023 at 7pm and to note the minutes from their previous meeting held on 26th August 2023.
e. The proposed reduction in the speed limit to 40 mph, in parts on Fen Road.
f. The suggestion from Councillor Cawrey to consider the old footpath on Washingborough Road to be cut back as part of the Councillor Volunteer Scheme 2024.
g. The NKDC public consultation on polling district and polling place review 2023.
h. To consider replacing the remaining exterior lights to LEDs at the Community Centre due to them tripping the electric.
i. To agree a small working party regarding flooding issues and to receive further information regarding the recent flooding.
7. Planning Matters.
To resolve any comments on the following applications received.
a. 23/1267/FUL Land adjacent to Fen Road, Washingborough. Proposed residential development for 118 dwellings with construction of associated garages and various site works including the excavation of an attenuation pond.
b. 23/1299/TCA 3 Oakhill, Washingborough. T1 Ash – full crown reduction by approximately 2m in height and approximately 1.5m spread with a diameter not to exceed 75mm. Crown lift garden and pub side to 3m to allow easy access to the areas. T2 Horse Chestnut – selective pruning of a bough limb over the neighbour’s garden by approximately 4m to a secondary union.
8. To note the decisions from NKDC, on the following applications received.
a. 23/0923/HOUS 124 Granson Way, Washingborough. Erection of detached single story hobbies room (part retrospective) (Amended Description). Notification received from NKDC that this application has been approved.
b. 23/0813/HOUS 14 The Orchard, Washingborough. Proposed dropped kerb. Notification received from NKDC that this application has been approved.
c. 23/0806/Ful Storage land, Five Mile Business Park, Blackthorn Way, Washingborough. Change of use of land to B8 storage facility. Notification received from NKDC that this application has been approved.
9. Financial Matters.
a. To receive the payment schedule for November 2023 and note the salaries payments (to follow).
b. To receive the accounts and budgets for October 2023.
c. To receive and sign the Unity Trust bank statement for October 2023.
d. To note agreement of the 2023/24 NJC pay award which is to be back dated to April 1st 2023.
e. To discuss quotations for the fitting of a towbar to the groundman’s new vehicle.
f. To consider the quotation for the replacement bar door at the Community Centre.
g. To authorise replacing a bulb in the flood lights.
10. To resolve the facilitator for the December full Council meeting.
11. To resolve moving into Closed Session (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960).