January 2025

Washingborough Parish Council

Wednesday 15th January 2025 at 6.00pm

Washingborough Sports Pavilion, meeting room.


The meeting will start with the Public Forum and NKDC & LCC Councillors reports.




a. Public Forum.

b. Reports from NKDC and LCC Councillors.


1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:

a. Apologies and reason for absence.

b. Declarations of interest.

c. Applications for dispensation.


2. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th December 2024 to be approved as the minutes. 


3. To discuss matters raised at Public Forum. (Any items raised that need resolution will become an agenda item for the next Full Council meeting).


4. Clerks Report:

a. To thank Premier Engineering Supplies for the donation of batteries for the Defibrillator. 

b. To note the road closure on Canterbury Drive, between Durham Crescent and Julia Road, from 27/01/25 – 21/03/25 for Electrical Distribution work.


5. To receive the notes from the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 8th January 2025 and to resolve the following recommendations:

a. The updated Grants and Donations application forms.

b. The recommendation that the Precept for 2025/26 is £214,314.

c. Contractual salary increases for staffing for 2025/26 (pending confirmation from NALC).

d. Applicable staffing incremental increases.

e. The grant budget cap to be £1,750.00 this being the amount received for the siting of the mobile phone mast.


6. To discuss and resolve the following items:

a. New Street names for the land off Canterbury Drive.

b. To hold the scarecrow festival during summer 2025.

c. The email from the Tennis Club to replace their Pavilion door.

d. The email from Telecom Infrastructure Partners, regarding the purchase of the Telecoms Mast lease.

e. To re visit the request from NKDC regarding the Digital Hub (Minute number 28a of 17th July 2024). 

f. The proposal for a Zebra Crossing and speed reduction on the B1190, Lincoln Road.

g. The email from a resident regarding Stagecoach bus service no.2.

h. Update from the Flooding working party.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

7. Planning Matters:

a. To resolve any comments on the following applications received: 

i. 25/0003/TPO: 83 Main Road. T1- previously felled in 2018 but has since grown back. Proposal to fell again. T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 & T8 – reduce all trees to 20ft. 

ii. 24/1469/FUL: Manor farm, Church Hill. Proposed erection of an additional unit.


b. To ratify comments on the following applications returned under Clerks delegated powers:

i. 24/1389/TCA: Holly Lodge, Church Hill. G1- 2 x Conifers – crown raise both trees up to approx. 4m from ground level. T1 - Sycamore - fell. T2 – Conifer – fell. Washingborough Parish Council had no comment to make. 


c. To note the decisions from NKDC on the following applications:

i. 24/1222/ADV: Destec Engineering Ltd, Five Mile Lane. Erection of 2no non-illuminated fascia signs. Approved.

ii. 24/1155/FUL: Destec Engineering Ltd, Five Mile Lane. Installation of cladding, new roller shutter door to replace timber sliding door, partially block right opening, install personnel door, additional high-level windows and screen louvre with signage. Approved.

iii. 24/1285/HOUS: Penfold Barn, 19 School Lane. Conversion and extension of existing garage to form residential annexe including raising eaves and ridge height by 1.1m. Approved. 

iv. 24/1321/HOUS: 60 Lincoln Road. Erection of single storey detached garage/outbuilding. Approved. 


8. Financial Matters:

a. To resolve the payment schedule for January 2024 and to note the salaries payments. (to follow)

b. To receive the accounts and budgets for December 2024.

c. To note the Unity Trust Bank statement for December 2024.


9. To resolve moving into closed session. (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960)


Signed: K J Broddle Date: 9th January 2025


K Broddle (Clerk to the Council)