December 2024
Washingborough Parish Council
Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 6.00pm,
at Washingborough Community Centre, Small Hall.
(The meeting will start with the Public Forum and NKDC & LCC Councillors reports)
a. Public Forum.
b. Reports from LCC and NKDC Councillors.
1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to receive:
a. Apologies and reason for absence.
b. Declarations of interest.
c. Applications for dispensation.
2. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 20th November 2024 to be approved as the minutes.
3. To discuss matters raised at Public Forum (any items raised that need resolution will become an agenda item for the next Full Council meeting).
4. Clerks Report (for information only).
a. The Christmas Tree is on the Village Green and has been well received by the village, who have made favourable comments.
5. To discuss and resolve the following items:
a. To consider holding a Christmas Craft Fair in November 2025 following the success of the one held in November 2024.
b. The continuation of the coffee mornings in the new year.
c. To review the idea of the public meeting regarding the bridge over the South Delph.
d. The invite to the NSK Parish Council Engagement Session.
e. Update from the flooding working party and to agree to seek volunteers for the Emergency Plan.
6. Planning Matters.
a. To resolve any comments on the following applications received.
i. 24/1321/HOUS: 60 Lincoln Road – Erection of single storey detached garage/outbuilding.
ii. 24/1312/HOUS: 35 Fen Road – Demolish existing garage and erection of a single storey extension and remove bay window and extend to original garage building line (part retrospective).
iii. 24/1368/LDPRO: 47 Fen Road – Application for a Lawful Development Certificate – section 191 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)
b. To ratify comments on the following applications returned under Clerks delegated powers: None.
c. To note the decisions from NKDC, on the following applications received:
i. 24/1159/HOUS: 19 Malvern Avenue – Erection of a single storey side extension. Approved.
ii. 23/1267/FUL: Land adjacent to Fen Road – Proposed residential development for 118no dwellings, along with the construction of associated garages and various site works including the excavation of an attenuation pond. Notification received from NKDC that this application has been withdrawn.
7. Financial Matters.
a. To resolve the payment schedule for December 2024 and note the salaries payments. (to follow)
b. To receive the accounts and budgets for November 2024. (to follow)
c. To note the Unity Trust Bank statements for November 2024.
d. To resolve the additional quote, from P Hudson, for Moss & Weed control and Algae treatment on the MUGA for £800.
8. To resolve to move into Closed Session (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960).
Signature: K J Broddle
Karen Broddle (Clerk) Date: 5th December 2024