Mar 2023 Minutes

Washingborough Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held on Wednesday 15th March 2023 at 2pm.

  • Cllr Mr G Kent (Chairman)
  • Cllr Mrs J Aspinall
  • Cllr Mrs B Bland
  • Cllr Mrs M Gibbons
  • Cllr Mr R Harrington
  • Cllr Mrs L Simons
  • Cllr Mr G Peck
  • Cllr Mrs R Whipp

In Attendance: Miss K Broddle (Clerk) and Mrs E Salter (Assistant Clerk)

Also Present: District Cllr Goodwin and District Cllr Carrington.

Presentation from Craig Snow and Katie Atkin from Anglian Water regarding the Elsham to Lincoln pipeline.

Councillor Goodwin left the meeting.

  1. Public Forum - None
  2. Report from LCC - Attached
  3. Report from NKDC – Attached

Cllr Carrington left the meeting.

  1. Localism Act 2011 requirements
    1. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Fothergill, District Cllr Tinsley and County Cllr Cawrey.
    2. Declarations of Interest received – Cllr Bland regarding Item 94b.
    3. Applications for Dispensation – None
  1. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 15th February 2023 were proposed, seconded and approved for signature as the minutes.
  1. To Discuss matters raised at public forum – none.
  1. Clerks Report:
    1. To advise that the CCTV and intruder alarm have been installed.
    2. To report that the Coronation bench has been delivered.
  1. The following items were resolved as stated:
    1. The exterior doors to the Pavilion being left unlocked, on a regular basis by official users. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that a fine of £150.00 would be issued to the group/club leaving the doors unlocked. The upgraded CCTV will show appropriate usage of the pavilion. This will be reviewed at a future meeting.
    2. The grass clippings from the Bowling Green which have not been removed from previous years. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that a formal letter be sent to the club informing them that they have broken the Service Level Agreement and that the grass cuttings need to be removed from the field by the 14th April 2023.
    3. To ratify the resolution of point 83e of February 2023 meeting which states that communications have been received regarding rental levels for the Telecoms mast. It was agreed to wait for further information to allow Councillors to discuss this at a future meeting.
    4. Comments and support for the proposed changes by LALC to their Organisation Constitution and Terms of Reference of the Management Committee. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that Washingborough Parish Council would make no comment on the changes.
    5. The request from a resident, to use the Community Centre car park to serve drinks and snacks, from a converted horsebox, on alternate Fridays initially, with a view to expanded this to school holidays and football matches. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to allow the request with the proviso of a three-month trial, which will be reviewed in June.

95. Planning Matters:

a. to resolve any comments on the following applications received

Planning ref no. Address Work Required WPC Comments
Planning ref no.: 23/0117/FUL Address: Barn at Top Farm Cottage, 174 Lincoln Road, Branston. Work Required: Change of use of agricultural buildings to 1 no. dwelling. WPC Comments: Council do not wish to comment on this application.
Planning ref no.: 23/0157/HOUS Address: 15 Eve Gardens Work Required: Erection of first floor extension. WPC Comments: Council do not wish to comment on this application.
Planning ref no.: 23/0244/TPO Address: 15 Cambridge Drive Work Required: T1 Ash – Reduction of stem down to 2m in height due to advanced ash dieback. WPC Comments: Council do not wish to comment on this application.
Planning ref no.: 23/0167 Address: 10 canterbury Drive Work Required: Conversion of existing garage to domestic living space and erection of attached double garage. WPC Comments: Council do not wish to comment on this application.

b. To ratify comments on applications returned under Clerks delegated powers:

Planning ref no. Address Work Required Comment
Planning ref no.: None

c. to note decisions by NKDC Planning on the following applications

Planning ref no. Address Decision
Planning ref no.: 22/1238/FUL Address: Dial House, 41 Main Road Decision: Approved
  1. Financial Matters.
    1. The payment schedule March 2023 was proposed, seconded and resolved, and the salaries noted.
    2. The accounts and budgets were noted.
    3. The Unity Trust Bank balance of account for February 2023 was noted.
    4. To discuss and resolve the annual insurance renewal for 2023/24. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the quotation from BHIB insurance.
    5. To resolve the quote for maintenance to the field tractor and equipment. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the quotation from Chantry Agricultural Engineers.
  1. Items for information – None.
  1. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, it was proposed, seconded and resolved to move into closed session for the following item(s).
  1. Staffing Matters.
    1. It was advised that there is still ongoing long-term absence.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 4.05 pm.

Account/Date Payee Description Amount
Account/Date: Petty Cash
Account/Date:   Payee:   Description:   Amount: £0.00
Account/Date: Current Account
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: NKDC Description: NDR (CC) Amount: £362.00
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: NKDC Description: NDR (P) Amount: £358.00
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: XLN Description: Telephone & Broadband Amount:  
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: Total Energies Description: Electric (CC) Amount: £420.78
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: Sharp Shine Description: Window Cleaning Amount: £39.00
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: David St Pier Description: PC Security Amount: £40.99
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: Citron Hygiene Description: Sanitary Disposal, Duty of Compliance Amount: £136.07
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: Total Energies Description: Electric (P) Amount: £994.46
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: ESPO Description: Gas (CC) Amount: £522.26
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: Espo Description: Gas (P) Amount: £166.97
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: Cost Cutter Description: Coronation Bench Amount: £535.27
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: Selmec Description: Investigation of External Socket Amount: £176.40
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: JKBS Description: Replacement Windows (Office) Amount: £1,428.00
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee: Npower Description: Christmas Tree Lights Amount: £14.34
Account/Date:   Payee:   Description:   Amount: £5,194.54
Account/Date: Salaries etc.
Account/Date: 15 Mar 23 Payee:   Description: Salaries, Pensions & Tax Amount: £8,919.23
Account/Date: Total Payee:   Description: Total expenditure: March 2023 Amount: £14,113.77



County Councillors Report
North Hykeham Relief Road Consultation Events

Don't forget that the next round of public consultation events for the North Hykeham Relief Road take place this week. Anyone interested in meeting the Lincolnshire County Council highways project team to find out more about how plans are progressing is welcome to attend one of the events.

The events are:

  • Wednesday 15 March at Waddington Community Hub, High Street LN5 9RF 3pm - 8pm
  • Thursday 16 March at The Bentley Hotel, South Hykeham LN6 9JH 3pm - 8pm
  • Friday 17 March Bracebridge Heath Pavilion, Bath Road LN4 2TU 1pm - 6PM

If you can't attend, but would like more information, please visit: 

Ward Walk

I am happy to remind colleagues on Washingborough Parish Council that the next ward walk is still scheduled for the afternoon of 4 April. We will look at: School Lane; Park Lane (and similar roads/ footpaths with concrete under tarmac issues; Fen Road; Heighington Road junction.

Please let me know if there are other locations that you would like us to visit.

Heighington Road Junction

As I reported at the last parish council meeting, Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership are now in the process of putting together a brief for costing up of a job that would alter the junction from the approach from Washingborough at Pitts Road. This will include a splitter island between the entry and exit as well as exploring removing the filter lane to turn left from Pitts Road. The intent of this will be to slow vehicles and make the junction more obvious on the approach.

This will need further investigation and future bids for capital funding if the design is believed to be sound, principally by increasing safety.

District Councillors Report
Heighington, Washingborough and Canwick
March 2023
Pre-Election Period

The Pre-Election period commences on 16 March and continues through to the close of polls on 4 May 2023. In this sensitive period, normal council business will continue but any issue (initiative, publication or consultation) which might give advantage to a candidate or their supporters/party will be deferred until after the election.

District candidates and agents briefings

One remaining briefing will take place for District candidates involved in the upcoming local elections.

  • Tues 14 Mar at 6.30pm online on Teams

To register, email

North Hykeham Relief Road

Anyone interested in meeting the project team to find out how the design and planning of the new relief road is progressing is encouraged to attend one of the forthcoming public information events. The next set of events will take place on/at:

  • Wednesday 15 March at Waddington Community Hub (High St, LN5 9RF)
    • 3pm – 8pm
  • Thursday 16 March at Bentley Hotel (Newark Rd, LN6 9NH)
    • 3pm – 8pm
  • Friday 17 March at Bracebridge Heath Pavilion (Bath Rd, LN4 2TU)
    • 1pm – 6pm

Feedback was gathered during last September’s events and LCC has optimised the route based on local views and knowledge. Further design work and surveys will take place ahead of submitting a planning application in the autumn. This project will see a new dual carriageway built linking the A46 Pennells Roundabout to the Lincoln Eastern Bypass, creating a full ring road around the city. For more information visit 

Biodiversity Initiative

A joint Council/Community project in Heckington will see a number of the Council’s green spaces transformed into biodiversity areas with measures such as letting the grass grow longer, planting wildflowers and trees, and providing habitats for wildlife.

If the initiative proves successful, other partnerships could be developed throughout North Kesteven. See the full press release at Biodiversity boost planned for Heckington