January 2021 Minutes

Washingborough Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 21st January 2021 at 2 pm, remotely under: The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.
  • ClIr D Fothergill (Chairman)
  • ClIr Mrs J Aspinall
  • ClIr Mrs B Bland
  • ClIr R Dowlman
  • Cllr R Harrington
  • ClIr G Kent
  • ClIr G Peck
  • ClIr P Scigala
  • ClIr Mrs L Simons
  • ClIr Mrs R Whipp
  • Miss K Broddle (Clerk)
  • Also present: Cllr L Cawrey (LCC), Cllr G Tinsley (NKDC) and Cllr. C Goodwin (NKDC)
76. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, recieved -
  1. Apologies were received and accepted from ClIr R Clark and ClIr I Carrington (NKDC)
  2. Declarations of Interest were received from ClIrs Fothergill, Aspinall, Bland, Harrington, Simons, Kent, Peck and Whipp in respect of item 081f
  3. Applications for Dispensation were granted to the above ClIrs
77. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 10th December 2020 were approved and signed as the minutes.
78.Public Forum
  • No members of the public were present
79. Reports from NKDC and LCC Councillors
  • The reports were noted, with the additional report from Cllr Tinsley of traffic problems on Church Hill and his request to Road Safety Partnership for an Archer Survey. The Clerk reported that several items of correspondence had been received on this matter and would be an item for the February Parish Council Meeting. Additionally, ClIr Tinsley was asked if he would also request surveys for several more roads in the Village with regard to traffic movement since the opening of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass, which he kindly agreed to do.
80.Clerks Report
  1. The Local Government Boundary Commission review recommendation of a three-Councillor ward for Washingborough and Heighington be final. The final recommendations will go to Parliament in spring for acceptance.
  2. Councillors were advised to review their Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests' declaration and report any changes to the clerk.
  3. An internal Auditor has been recommended to Council by LALC and another Parish Clerk, this will be an agenda item in February.
81. The notes from Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting 11th January 2021 were circulated prior to this meeting and the following recommendations were proposed, seconded and resolved:
  1. to plant the Car Dyke field as a wild flower meadow,
  2. to hold a Scarecrow competition, in the summer but there were no volunteers for a working party. Any Councillor interested should contact the Clerk.
  3. that the sporting clubs' fees for 2021/22 be pro-rata to one week's amount of their annual hire charge, should they use their facility during any one week in pursuance of their club's activities,
  4. that there be no increase in the sporting clubs' fees for 2021/22,
  5. the third quarter financial statements were noted,
  6. the precept amount for 2021/22 of £167,900 was proposed, seconded and resolved.
82. The following items were discussed with the resolutions as stated:
  1. Licence Renewal for Communications Tower on the Playing Field — finalising of the agreement is with the solicitor and should be received shortly.
  2. Residents request for additional roads to be gritted by LCC - it was proposed, seconded and resolved to officially request LCC Councillor Cawrey to approach LCC Highways over this matter.
  3. NKDC Cycling Strategy Survey -it was proposed, seconded and resolves to request a dual purpose footway/cycle path along Washingborough Road from the railway bridge to the Crematorium in Lincoln and to increase signage for the Sustrans route by the riverside
  4. Play equipment working party — it was advised that due to covid-19 and the inability to be able to visit other play areas, that the working party defer meeting until the end of April and then assess the situation. Consultation has shown that there is a definite interest in outdoor gym equipment and the clerk is to check if a separate amount of the s106 monies could be claimed to purchase this part of the project. Council was made aware that a procurement procedure will need to be followed with regard to the play equipment as the project exceeds £25,000, but all of the VAT can be reclaimed.
  5. Review the following Risk Assessments
    1. Office Opening - the office is now closed to the public
    2. Play Area - no change
    3. Community Centre - no change
    4. Pavilion - no change
83. Planning Matters
  1. Applications received:
    1. 20/1781: 5 Ravenwood — erection of 1st floor extension
  • It was proposed, seconded and resolved that Council do not wish to make aby comment on this application.
084. Financial matters:
  1. The payment schedule was proposed, seconded and resolved
  2. The Unity Trust Bank balance of account as at 31st December 2020 was noted
085. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it was proposed, seconded and resolved to move into closed session for the following item.
086.The payroll payments were proposed, seconded and resolved.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 3.45pm.

SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS: 1st - 30th Sept 2021

a. Petty Cash
No Date Item Value
i 11 Dec 2021 Petrol & cement £43.23
ii 16 Dec 2021 Stamps & Batteries £20.67
iii 18 Dec 2021 Work Boots £34.98
    Total = £98.88
b. Current Account
No Date Item Value
 21 Jan 2021 Telephone & Broadband £100.78
ii  21 Jan 2021 Electric (CC) £197.79
iii  21 Jan 2021 NDR (CC) £395.00
iv  21 Jan 2021 NDR (Pav) £358.00
v  21 Jan 2021 Water Rates (P) £72.00
vi  21 Jan 2021 Gas (P) £114.14
vii  21 Jan 2021 Gas (CC) £297.00
viii  21 Jan 2021 Telephone & Broadband £100.78
ix  21 Jan 2021 Electric (CC)  £240.03
x  21 Jan 2021 Gas(P) £127.08
xi  21 Jan 2021 Gas (CC) £372.53
xii  21 Jan 2021 NDR (CC) £395.00
xiii  21 Jan 2021 NDR(P) £358.00
xiv  21 Jan 2021 Small Society Lotteries - Annual Fee £20.00
    Sub Total = £3,148.13
xv  21 Jan 2021 Salaries etc.    £7,072.96
    Total expenditure 11th December 2020- 21st January 2021 = £10,319.97