October 2024

Washingborough Parish Council



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at 6.00pm in the Community Centre,

Small Hall, Fen Road, Washingborough, Lincoln. LN4 1AB



  • Cllr Mrs L Simons (Chairman)
  • Cllr Mrs B Bland
  • Cllr Mrs L Hannam
  • Cllr R Harrington
  • Cllr Mrs W Skelton
  • Cllr Mrs R Whipp


In Attendance: Miss K Broddle (Clerk) and Mrs E Salter (Assistant Clerk).


Also present: Cllr L Cawrey (LCC).


Members of the Public: There were two members of the public present.


            a. Public Forum: None.

      b. Reports from LCC and NKDC: LCC report attached, Cllr Cawrey added information regarding the new late

night bus service that runs from Lincoln to Bracebridge Heath, Washingborough and Heighington.

NKDC Councillor R Harrington reported that NKDC has selected a new Chief Executive.


39. Localism Act 2011 requirements:

  1. Apologies and reasons for absence were received and resolved from Cllrs Mrs J Aspinall, Mrs A Nixon,

Cllr Peck and Cllr Fraser.

Apologies were also received from District Councillors Carrington and Goodwin.

  1. Declarations of interest: none.
  2. Applications for dispensation: none. 


40. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18th September 2024 were proposed, seconded and

      resolved for signing as the minutes.


41. Matters raised at Public Forum: None.


42. Clerks Report (for information only):

  1. The email from LALC, advising of the sudden passing of Mr P Langford.  Condolences were passed on to the family via LALC.
  2. It was advised that the Macmillan Coffee morning had raised £268.72.  Thanks were given to those in attendance.
  3. The email from PCSO Sarah Lingard, advising that she has returned to North Hykeham and will be including Washingborough on her beat.
  4. It was advised that the annual playground inspection is due on 21st October.
  5. It was advised that the remedial works to the emergency lighting had been completed.
  6. It was advised that the Christmas tree has been ordered and will be in place and lit on the 22nd November.
  7. It was advised that a meeting had taken place with LCC footpaths officer regarding the possible replacement of the footbridge over the South Delph. He advised that we meet with RMS Maintenance, who will be able to provide us with a design and costings.  This meeting has taken place and we are waiting for this information.
  8. The clerk advised that the external auditors report on the 2023/24 Annual Governance and Accountability Return had been received with no comments made.


43. To receive the draft notes from the Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting held on 9th October and to resolve the following recommendations:

  1. The movement of monies, between Council’s bank accounts was proposed, seconded and resolved.
  2. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Community Centre hire charges remain unchanged for the 2025/26 financial year.
  3. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the sporting facilities tariffs remain unchanged for the 2025/26 financial year.
  4. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the project for 2025/26 will be the possible replacement of the bridge over the South Delph.
  5. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Christmas and New Year closure dates will be from the close of business on December 20th and to re-open on January 2nd 2025.


44. To discuss and resolve the following items:

  1. To advise of the Remembrance services in November - Councillors were reminded of the two Remembrance Day services being held in November, one on Sunday 10th November at 10.45am in St. John’s Church and the other at 10.45am at the Village Cross on Monday 11th November.
  2. The offer from Witham Valley Access Project to attend the 2025 Annual Parish Meeting and give a presentation – it was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the offer.
  3. North Kesteven District Council consultation on the Washingborough Conservation Area appraisal – In general Council are happy with the proposal, however they would like to know why Manor Farm is being removed from the Conservation Area, given the age and history of the property. They would also like to know if 31 School Lane is within or outside the area, as the map is not clear.
  4. Update from the Flooding Working Party – a meeting will be held on 28th October to discuss the Emergency Plan template.


        45. Planning Matters.

  1.  To resolve any comments on the following applications received.

i.  24/1071/PNH: 15 The Fields – single storey rear extension. Council had no comments to make on this application.

ii. 24/1127/TPO: Pitwood House – work to trees. Council had no comments on this application.


  1. The following comments returned under Clerks delegated powers were ratified: None.


  1. The decisions on the following applications were noted:
  1. 24/0818/FUL: Post Masters Cottage, 5 High Street - Approved.
  2. 24/0916/HOUS: 26 Fen Road – Approved.


         46. Finance matters          

  1. The payment schedule for October 2024 was proposed, seconded and resolved and the salaries were noted.
  2. The accounts and budgets for September 2024 were noted.
  3. The Unity Trust Bank statements for September 2024 were noted.
  4. The quotation of £514.46 for the servicing of the tractor, from Chantry Agricultural Engineers was proposed, seconded and resolved.
  5. The quotations for the upgrading of the MUGA and training area to LED floodlighting were discussed and it was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the quote from M Gladwin (£7065.88).



There being no further business, the meeting closed at 6.59pm.



























Petty Cash


 £                -  


Current Account





 £         418.00




 £         358.00



Telephone & Broadband

 £         110.51



Water Rates (Pavilion)

 £         116.00



Gas (CC)

 £         128.73



Gas (P)

 £           64.37


Total Energies

Electric (CC)

 £         335.41


M Cooper

Refund (Craft Faair)

 £           15.00



Chapel Park/Ferry Lane Grass

 £         144.22



Photocopier Charges

 £         217.31



Pavilion Changing Room Ceiling

 £         840.00



Alarm Fault Call Out

 £         110.40


Unity Trust

Monthly Bank Charges

 £           10.50


 £       2,868.45


Salaries etc.



Salaries etc


 £     10,080.12


Total expenditure: October 2024

 £     12,948.57





























Washingborough Parish Council Meeting

16 October 2024

County Councillor Report

North Hykeham Relief Road Funding
There is still no confirmation from the government whether the funding for the North Hykeham Relief Road is secure.

As I stated in my September report, Lincolnshire County Council has already spent £14m on the project and has secured the required planning permission.

As we are only about a year from ‘breaking ground’ it would be a huge economic loss for our county, as the £110m gap is simply too large for the county council to fill. Losing this funding would mean not being able to unlock land for 4,500 homes, seven hectares of employment space, and over £350m in economic benefits over the next sixty years.

Lincolnshire Growth Summit

Following the announcement of a devolution deal for Greater Lincolnshire, an event has been organised to brief key stakeholders, regional business leaders and potential mayoral candidates on the growth opportunities this represents.

The Lincolnshire Growth Summit will be held on Friday 15 November to update these stakeholders on devolution plans, including the creation of a new Mayoral Combined County Authority, which will be granted devolved powers and funding. The event will also include a panel discussion with Lincolnshire council leaders Cllr Martin Hill, Cllr Rob Waltham and Cllr Philip Jackson.

Lincoln Museum

Starting from 14 October, staff will begin removing all the objects and artefacts from the museum for safe storage. This will pave the way for work to start on transforming the space.

At over 690m2, the archaeology gallery is by far the biggest space in Lincoln Museum, and, in order to continue to attract new visitors to the museum, and to the city, we need to rethink how we tell Lincolnshire’s story. The exciting new look for the archaeology gallery – with creative, interactive displays – will allow visitors to explore the county’s history like never before, right back to its earliest inhabitants.

This is also an opportunity for us to showcase other items from our collection that haven’t been displayed in a long time, or ever before, whilst still keeping those artefacts and objects that visitors love seeing time and time again.

Whilst the exhibits will be closed off for the refurbishment, visitors can still relax in the Muse Café at Lincoln Museum and enjoy the exhibitions and events across the road at the Usher Gallery.

During this time, many of our popular school sessions which usually take place at Lincoln Museum will be delivered from Lincoln Castle, or as outreach sessions where possible.


All the work – including the refit of the shop, refurbishment of the Play space near the entrance, and the regeneration of the outdoor courtyard – is expected to be completed late in 2025.

Live at Castle Headliners Being Announced

The Stranglers, Texas, Simple Minds and Ollie Murs have already been revealed as just some of the main performers at next summer’s 'Live at Lincoln Castle'. Tickets are now on sale on sale for these shows already announced, with more to follow.

This series of events at Lincoln Castle are part of an ongoing partnership with Lincolnshire County Council and Live Nation promoters, Cuffe and Taylor.