November 2024 Minutes
Washingborough Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 20th November 2024 at 6.00pm in the Community Centre,
Small Hall, Fen Road, Washingborough, Lincoln. LN4 1AB
• Cllr Mrs L Simons (Chairman)
• Cllr Mrs B Bland
• Cllr A Fraser
• Cllr R Harrington
• Cllr Mrs A Nixon
• Cllr Mrs W Skelton
• Cllr Mrs R Whipp
In Attendance: Miss K Broddle (Clerk) and Mrs E Salter (Assistant Clerk).
Also present: Cllr I Carrington and Cllr C Goodwin (NKDC)
Members of the Public: There were three members of the public present.
a. Public Forum: Two residents attended the meeting to speak in support of item 51a.
b. Reports from LCC and NKDC: Reports attached.
47. Localism Act 2011 requirements:
a. Apologies and reasons for absence were received and resolved from Cllrs Mrs J Aspinall, Mrs L Hannam
And Cllr Peck.
Apologies were also received from County Councillor L Cawrey.
b. Declarations of interest: none.
c. Applications for dispensation: none.
48. Draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2024 were proposed, seconded and
resolved for signing as the minutes.
49. Matters raised at Public Forum: None.
50. Clerks Report (for information only):
a. It was advised that the two noticeboards on the side of the Community Centre have been removed, due to vandalism.
b. It was advised that the two queries Council had on the proposed Conservation area had been resolved and Council advised accordingly.
c. The B1190 road closure from 2nd – 19th December was noted.
d. It was advised that the County Council will be undertaking some work on the bus shelter on Park Lane, with no cost to the Parish Council.
e. Councillors were reminded that the Craft Fair and Makers Market is being held this Saturday, 23rd November.
51. To discuss and resolve the following items:
a. The request from a resident for hedgehog awareness signs on Canwick Road, between Pitts Road and Sheepwash Lane – it was proposed, seconded and resolved to purchase and install two signs.
b. The offer from Anglian Water’s Community Day activities to undertake small projects later this year. It was discussed and agreed that the Council have no current appropriate projects.
c. The request from a resident to extend the leasehold to part of his property – it was proposed, seconded and resolved to contact the resident and advise that as the Council is under no obligation to extend the lease at this point in time, any costings that arise from this request will need to be met by the resident.
d. The Government consultation on virtual meetings and proxy voting – it was proposed, seconded and resolved for Councillors to individually complete the survey as this will allow some flexibility with meetings.
e. To update on the bridge over the South Delph – a quote has been received and a public meeting will be held in January to gauge residents’ views.
f. The update from the Flooding Working Party – progress is being made on the Emergency Plan and volunteers will soon be needed. Community emergency planning induction events are being held this month.
52. Planning Matters.
a. To resolve any comments on the following applications received.
i. 24/1285/HOUS: Penfold Barn, 19 School Lane – Conversion and extension of existing garage, to form residential annexe including raising eaves and ridge height by 1.1m
The Parish Council do not wish to comment on this application.
b. The following comments returned under Clerks delegated powers were ratified:
i. 24/11/59/HOUS: 19 Malvern Avenue – Erection of a single storey side extension. No comment.
ii. 24/1105/HOUS: Rookery House, Church Hill – Erection of a single storey rear extension and conversion of loft space of the main dwelling to habitable accommodation, 2 storey side link extension to connect annexe to main dwelling together with 1st floor extension & alterations to annexe. No comment.
iii. 24/1155/FUL: Destec Engineering Ltd, Five Mile Lane – installation of cladding, new roller shutter door to replace timber sliding door, partially block right opening, install personnel door, additional high-level windows and screening louvre with signage. No comment.
iv. 24/1222/ADV: Destec Engineering Ltd, Five Mile Lane – 2 no-illuminated fascia signs. No comment.
c. The decisions on the following applications were noted:
i. 24/0828/HOUS: 47 Fen Road - Approved.
ii. 24/0818/FUL: Postmasters Cottage - Approved.
53. Finance matters
a. The payment schedule for November 2024 was proposed, seconded and resolved and the salaries, including backpay, were noted.
b. The accounts and budgets for October 2024 were noted.
c. The Unity Trust Bank statement for October 2024 was noted.
d. The application from Washingborough Academy for £30 towards the upgrading of books in their library was proposed, seconded and resolved.
e. The quotations for the cleaning and line marking of the MUGA were discussed and it was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the quote from Peter Hudson, Machine and Pitch Maintenance LTD (£2700 + VAT). The Clerking team were asked to request the price for algae/moss killer for the MUGA, from Peter Hudson.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7pm.
SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS: November 2024 Amount
Petty Cash
£ -
Current Account
20-Nov-24 NKDC NDR (CC) £418.00
20-Nov-24 NKDC NDR (P) £358.00
20-Nov-24 XLN Telephone & Broadband £110.51
20-Nov-24 Wave Water Rates (Pavilion) £116.00
20-Nov-24 ESPO Gas (CC) £192.62
20-Nov-24 ESPO Gas (P) £82.55
20-Nov-24 Total Energies Electric (CC) £367.47
20-Nov-24 Doddington Hall Christmas Tree £200.00
20-Nov-24 M Gladwin Work to Emergency Lighting £2,016.00
20-Nov-24 S Hall Tractor Parts £74.73
20-Nov-24 K Broddle Petty Cash £200.00
20-Nov-24 JKBS Preplace Plant Room Security Doors x 2 £2,148.00
20-Nov-24 JKBS Clad Pavilion Ceiling & call out for emergency
l eak & replace flexihoses £1,066.80
20-Nov-24 Chantry Agricultural Tractor Service £645.00
20-Nov-24 Royal British Legion Poppy Wreath - Remembrance Day £50.00
20-Nov-24 British Heart Foundation Pads for Defibrilator £168.00
20-Nov-24 NKDC Premises Licence £180.00
20-Nov-24 Cathedral Leasing Annual Hygiene Service £311.90
20-Nov-24 ESPO Cleaning & Stationary £577.08
20-Nov-24 Wicksteed Annual Play Equipment Inspection £410.00
20-Nov-24 Unity Trust Bank Monthly Charges £11.25
20-Nov-24 Sharp Shine Window Cleaning £39.00
Salaries Costs etc including back pay
15-Nov-24 Salaries etc. £12,936.11
Total expenditure: November 2024 £22,679.02
NKDC Report
Washingborough Parish Council Meeting
20 November 2024
County Councillor Report
Lincolnshire Growth Summit
On Friday 15 November, I attended the Lincolnshire Growth Summit which set out the vision for economic development across Greater Lincolnshire following the devolution deal signed by government earlier this year.
The meeting was attended by representatives from the county council, the two unitary authorities of North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire, a number of district councils, the MP for Lincoln and several businesses.
Plans were discussed about how the Mayoral Combined County Authority could benefit from the £270m direct government investment over the next three decades. The priorities will be jobs and skills, trade, housing and highways, transport, environment and nature, carbon reduction, digital improvement and innovation.
Emergency Planning Induction Events
The Emergency Planning team are holding a series of community emergency planning induction evening events at the County Emergency Centre, South Park.
During the evening, the team will cover the following:
• What is community emergency planning?
• Why it's beneficial to get involved
• The three stages of community emergency planning
• Support provided before, during, and after emergencies
• Q&A session with representatives from the Lead Local Flood Authority, Environment Agency, Fire and Rescue Service and British Red Cross.
It will also provide the parishes with an opportunity to meet some of the Emergency Planning team and see the County Emergency Centre.
If Washingborough hasn’t already been invited, but would like to know more, please do let me know.
Flood Risk and Water Management
As members will remember, following the significant rainfall events of Storms Babet in October 2023 and Henk in January 2024, the county council has undertaken an unprecedented number of Section 19 reports under the Flood & Water Management Act 2010. Section 19 reports are required when residents, businesses or community buildings have suffered from internal flooding or when there has been substantial flooding of agricultural land or of highways leading to continued disruption to travel.
The reports are designed to investigate the causes of the flooding and to identify which Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) have a flood risk management function in connection with the flood and whether they have exercised, or intend to exercise, that function in response to the flood. To assist with this, Lincolnshire County Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority makes recommendations for proportionate works to manage future flood risk.
I want to assure members that this work is ongoing, and a report will be presented to the Executive of the county council with findings and recommendations in the coming weeks. However, it should be noted that Lincolnshire County Council, under the Flood & Water Management Act 2010, does not have enforcement powers to compel any agency to undertake recommended actions.
Gullies and Drainage
I have reported the gullies on Main Road, near Oak Hill and Royal Oak Lane directly to a Highways manager, as it was highlighted to me by a resident that, during the recent heavy rain, the gullies had become blocked.
I am assured by the Highways manager, that the gullies have been scheduled for jetting, but I don’t yet have a date. However, I have requested that I am notified by Highways when the work has been completed.
Land off Canterbury Drive Development
For your information, I have attached notification of a new site submitted for future adoption as public highway (Section 38).
As you know, planning permission has already been granted for this development, therefore the county council cannot comment further on planning matters at this stage. However, the council can provide delivery progress updates and further detail on construction phasing, if requested.
Cllr Lindsey Cawrey
18 November 2024