January 2023 Minutes of F&GP

Washingborough Parish Council

Notes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting

held on Monday 9 January 2023 at 2pm.  

  • Councillor Mrs L Simons (Chairman)
  • Councillor Mrs J Aspinall
  • Councillor Mrs B Bland
  • Councillor D Fothergill
  • Councillor G Kent
  • Councillor G Peck
Also present: Clerk, Miss K Broddle

In Attendance: None

    1. Apologies - None.
    2. Declarations of Interest - Cllrs Mrs Simons. Mrs Aspinall, Mrs Bland, Fothergill, Kent and Peck declared an interest in point 36 (Precept Request).
    3. Applications for Dispensation - Cllrs Mrs Simons. Mrs Aspinall, Mrs Bland, Fothergill, Kent and Peck were granted dispensation for point 36 (Precept Request).
  1. NOTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING held on the 10 October 2022 had previously been circulated and were approved for signature as the Minutes. 
  1. MATTERS OUTSTANDING: it was advised that the project to upgrade the IT system in the office has been put on hold, following advice from our IT specialist.
  1. REVIEW OF COUNCILS RISK ASSESSMENT:   The Risk Register was reviewed and no amendments needed.
    1. The third quarter financial statements were discussed and noted that the Salaries budget will not fully cover its costs due to the local government annual pay increase being considerably higher than expected.
    2. The bank reconciliations were proposed, seconded and resolved.
  1. LALC ANNUAL TRAINING: It will be recommended that the Council agree the LALC Annual Training Scheme for the 2023/24 year and that all Cllrs attend the required training during this year and after this year training is paid for on an as needed basis
  1. MOVING OF EARMARKED RESERVES: It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Clerk move funds to Earmarked Reserves at the end of March 2023 and report the movement at the April F&GP meeting.
  1. CHANGE OF DATE FOR THE APRIL F&GP MEETING: It was proposed seconded and resolved to move the April F&GP meeting to 17th April at 2pm as the scheduled meeting would fall on the Easter Monday bank holiday.
  1. UPDATE OF LIGHTING IN COUNCIL BUILDINGS: It will be recommended to seek quotes to change out the traditional lighting to LED’s for the interior and exterior of the Councils buildings and the MUGA floodlights and that this project replaces the updating of the IT equipment.
    1. It will be recommended that the precept request for the 2023/24 financial year be £187,000,
    2. It will be recommended that the grants budget be capped at £2000 for the 2023-2024 financial year.
    3. It was advised that the Local Government pay increase has not been announced, but will be honoured due to contractual obligations,

There being no further business the meeting closed at 3.15pm.